Coming soon. Seriously. Help is on the way. ;)
How to buy a voucher?
1- Navigate to Vouchers.
2- Choose the voucher you want to buy and click on it.
3- Fill in your "LN Address" and "Email" information.
4- Click the button "Proceed with payment".
5- Fill in your payment details and click "Pay".
6- Be happy! :)
When are vouchers processed?
1- Vouchers are usually processed in 5 minutes. If your voucher is not processed within 5 minutes, please contact us.
Why do I need to allow cookies?
1- The website needs cookies to facilitate your navigation and choice of language.
Why do I need to fill in my email address?
1- Your email address will help us contact you in case there's a problem with your transaction/payment.
2- None of your personal information will ever be sold or used to spam you.
How much will I pay in fees?
1- $20 voucher = 15%
2- $50 voucher = 12%
3- $100 voucher = 10%
4- $200 voucher = 9%
5- $500 voucher = 8.5%
6- $1000 voucher = 8%